Sunday, July 30, 2006

School is just around the corner

Christopher's preschool didn't take a summer break, he has continued to go to school every Tuesday and Thursday, although, they did change the time back an hour (to help avoid the really hot hours) to 9:15-1:45.

Kaleb will be returning to Russell Middle School in the 7th grade this year. His school starts August 17th.

Brianna is heading to the 9th grade and her first year in High School, and will continue with Branson School Online, as well as taking orchestra at Doherty High School. Her virtual school starts on the 21st. She will be 15 in October, and is looking forward to getting her drivers permit.

Brianna promoted to the high school youth group in June (which is on Sunday mornings, as oposed to Kaleb's middle school youth group on Saturday nights), so since we were going to be attending church both Saturday night and Sunday morning, Bri and I decided to volunteer in the coffee shop at church a couple of Saturday nights a month. It's been fun learning how to use an espresso machine and make all the different drinks.

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